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Please join us for the Simchat Torah luncheon in honor of these two deserving people, Tuesday, October 8th following services. To make a donation in their honor, please do so below

Chatan Torah and Kallah B'raisheet

Chatan Torah Wayne Kleinman

I was working for 35 years as a Scientist doing medical research (but not on animals). For 15 of those
years I was working at the Bronx VA and Montefiore Hospitals for Rosalyn Yalow PhD, a Jewish woman
who was married to the son of a Rabbi and kept a kosher house. She also was awarded the 1977 Nobel
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for development of the radioimmunoassay, a very sensitive diagnostic
and research technique. Much of my work involved establishing methods for research and diagnosis. I
worked on a lot of interesting studies: One such study was separating the venom from snakes and other
reptiles into their component parts, and analyzing them. I was surprised when the structure of one of
these segments from the venom of a Gila monster lizard was very similar to the hormone glucagon. I
was even more surprised when I found out it was patented by someone I worked with, and became the
diabetic drug Byetta. After Dr. Yalow retired, I was in the American Health Foundation and the Burke
Medical Research Institute where, among other things, I worked on preventive healthcare, clinical
studies on cancer and neurological diseases, respectively. I also wrote grants and articles about the
Institute’s research and bios of the researchers, for lay publications.
I like studying Judaica topics and have learned Talmud with Rabbi Berkman and other Rabbis and went
to Lunch and Learn with Lynne Diwinsky Z”L and other teachers here at NCJC. Over the past 25 years I
have studied different topics with different chavrusas (learning partners) through Partners in Torah. We
usually study (by phone) on a weekly basis. Currently we are reviewing the weekly Parsha. I had the
privilege of learning with Rabbi Aaron Weitz Z”L for 10 years. He was the founder of the Echo Institute
for Health. Rabbi Weitz was a long time student, and later a chavrusa of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky. The
more I learn, the more I know how much I don’t know. I like to write, and dabble in art (sculpting and
painting). I also try to help our four legged friends. I have fostered a number of dogs and cats some of
them were sick (e.g. Misty, that beautiful collie, in my photo, had Cushing’s disease). But I am not a good
foster parent, because I fell in love with, and adopted almost all of them. In July 2021 I started a petition
about Hi Tor on “Shelter Animals are being Terrorized by Fireworks from their neighbor the
NY Boulders”, we have over 3100 signatures. I also started a group on Nextdoor “Pet Parents: For those
whose pet is not ‘just an animal’ but a member of the family”. About 50 years ago I was going to start
another group for Procrastinators; I’ll get around to it sometime.



Kallah B'raisheet Jaclyn Goldberg

Jaclyn Goldberg has deep roots in New City. She was first active with NCJC as a teenager, with USY and Hebrew High School. After graduating from Binghamton University with a dual major of MIS and Finance ,she has worked in the Financial Services industry with majority of her time spent as an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley. 

Over the years Jackie has supported NCJC in a variety of ways as a Board of Education member, Collaboration efforts, a past member of the NCJC Sisterhood board, member of the NCJC Investment Committee, and planned and led the Hamantaschen bake for the past 4 years.

In addition to her dedication to NCJC, Jackie is involved in many other community activities such as PTA Executive Board, Girl Scout Troop leader and spends many weekends volunteering for the Condors Swim Club.

In her spare time, Jackie loves to spend time with her husband, Jonathan and daughters, Sara and Hailey, both of whom celebrated their B'not Mitzvot at NCJC. She enjoys reading, watching TV with her family, playing mah jong with friends, and traveling.  

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785