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In the unfortunate event of the passing of a loved one, we encourage our members to contact the synagogue office by calling 845-638-9600 before making funeral arrangements.  If the death occurs after the close of the business day, please contact Jessica Trokel at (845) 480-4311.  Please speak with Jessica or leave a message and one of the rabbis will be in touch with you as soon as possible. 

The synagogue telephones are not answered on Shabbat or Festivals; if a death occurs on one of those days, the rabbis can be contacted directly by coming to the synagogue immediately before or after worship services or by calling Jessica Trokel at (845) 480-4311.  Please do not assume that someone is aware of the passing of your loved one.  Let us know so that we may be of assistance and support.

The rabbis will assist you in assuring that all Halachic (Jewish law) standards are followed. These include Taharah (ritual washing of the body), Tachrichim (funeral shroud), use of a wooden casket and a Shomer (guardian) to watch over the body and recite from the Book of Psalms until the Funeral service. To make your burden easier, New City Jewish Center has published a set of guidelines so that all synagogue members can easily order Halachically correct funeral arrangements.

Click for NCJC Funeral Guidelines

The congregation considers it a mitzvah to assist the bereaved family in a number of ways. The funeral service for synagogue members may be held in one of the New City Jewish Center sanctuaries for a fee. The rabbis will make every effort to be available for funerals of non-dues paying parents or other extended family members. Please contact the synagogue office concerning the honorarium. The traditional Meal of Consolation (Se’udat Havra’ah) immediately following the funeral will be provided by the Sisterhood for members who return to their homes in the county, if requested of the rabbis. Twice daily religious services are held at the synagogue where mourners can pray and recite Kaddish. If desired, synagogue members will serve as leaders for the minyan each evening in the house of shiva. Yearly notices of Yahrtzeit will be sent and an Aliyah will be offered the week of the anniversary of the death on days when the Torah is read.

Please keep in mind, your New City Jewish Center family wants to be helpful during your time of need. We encourage you to contact the New City Jewish Center office regarding your practical, religious or spiritual needs.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785